The Mutual Union of Tiv in America (MUTA) is a non-profit organization based in Atlanta, Georgia. The organization promotes education and healthcare activities in Africa as well as provides relief support in cases of disaster to relieve human suffering. MUTA is greatly concerned about the magnitude of chronic diseases like heart disease, stroke, cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS as well as malaria in Benue State of Nigeria. In the past five years, thousands of people have died from Benue State of causes associated with heart disease, cancer, diabetes, HIV/AIDS and malaria. Benue state has remained in the top five states of the highest HIV/AIDS prevalence rate in Nigeria in the past five years.
MUTA has conducted a number of health fair in Benue State (2008, 2009, 2010, 2013, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018) in response to the health needs of the people of Benue State. However, the health needs for the people are enormous. In view of the magnitude of these health needs and issues, MUTA is proposing to conduct another State-wide Health Fair in Benue State of Nigeria to provide health education, promote good health and preventive measures to reduce disease incidences. The 2019 Health Fair was conducted at three IDP camps based on the immediate health care needs of those who were displaced. Also with the higher security risk, it was safer for volunteer staff to be at a confirmed location versus traveling to other localities.
Project Goal
The major goal of the Health Fair is to provide free medication, health education and preventive measures to reduce illness and deaths associated with chronic diseases and reduce long-term complications.
The Need
Chronic disease like heart disease, stroke, cancer, HIV/AIDS and diabetes are by far the leading cause of mortality in the world today representing 60 % of all deaths. In developing countries like Nigeria, chronic diseases have a dramatic adverse effect on economic development and impacts negatively on families and communities.
The global epidemic of chronic disease is at the doorstep in developing nations with 80% of deaths. The immense burden of disease reduces significantly the quality of life of these nations with the poor and those without access to healthcare being hit hardest.
There is a need to increase health literacy and ensure people acquire knowledge and necessary skills in order to manage their conditions. There is also a need to increase awareness about diseases and their complications especially in the developing world where trained health workers are in short supply. MUTA believes that health education and preventive care can go a long way to reduce long-term complications since 80% of premature heart disease, stroke and type 2 diabetes is preventable and that 40 % of cancer is also preventable if the populace is educated to effect behavioral changes that enhance disease prevention. Malaria is another disease that claims the lives of many people, both young and old in Benue State on a yearly basis. The effect of malaria can be reduced and managed with health education, good sanitation to control mosquitoes and medication for the affected people.
Project Objectives
In order to meet the goal of providing health education and disease prevention in Benue State of Nigeria, the following objectives have been identified:
In order to meet the outlined objectives, the following activities have been planned.
Objective 1
To provide education and enhance the understanding about chronic diseases such as Diabetes, Hypertension, stroke, HIV/AIDS and Cancer. This objective will be met by conducting counseling sessions and one on one intervention with patients at three major sites in Benue State. These sessions will provide patients with education on their health conditions and provide them with information on understanding chronic disease as well as provide information on lifestyle modifications that will assist in the management of their diseases. These activities have been projected to take place in the following local government areas of Benue State: Provide care to individuals who are internally displaced and are residing in temporary shelters. (July-6 to July 11, 2020).
Objective 2
To provide education in the management of chronic diseases and promote self-management among people with these diseases. In order to meet this objective, the one on one sessions will be oriented to people or families of people who are affected by Diabetes, Hypertension, stroke, HIV/AIDS and Cancer. The sessions will focus on best management procedures for the mentioned diseases in locations as indicated in objective 1 as well as patient counseling.
Objective 3
To provide education on long-term complications and risk factors and provide strategies for preventing these diseases and their complications in people at risk. The sessions on long-term complications and risk factors will be geared towards the elderly and will include information of proper diet and exercises that will reduce long-term complications and risk factors of chronic diseases.
Objective 4
To provide health education on malaria and how the general populace can reduce the incidence by maintaining good sanitation to reduce mosquito population, using mosquito nets and insect repellents and medication. The sessions on malaria will be geared towards providing information that will promote sanitation around houses to reduce places where mosquitoes breed, and encouraging families to use mosquito nets at night as well as use insect repellents if available. Symptoms of malaria will be presented to the populace so that they can be aware and take precaution to seek medical help as soon as possible.
Objective 5
To provide a forum for discussion on pertinent Health issues for Health care professionals by way of presentations and interactive sessions. In order to achieve this objective a seminar/workshop will be presented to health care professionals including doctors, nurses and other health care professional. The presentation will be interactive allowing open discussions on pertinent health issues in Benue State.
Objective 6
To provide screening for chronic diseases to the public. This objective will be carried out during the health Fair in the various locations. Participants in the health Fair will be provided free screening for Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar and HIV/AIDS testing. Those that test positive for any screening will be provided information on how to access medication and medical care. Medical doctors and nurses will be available to provide the necessary screening tests and also dispense any medication available free of charge. In addition to one on one sessions and presentations and interactive sessions for health care professionals on health education and disease prevention, efforts will be made to have the health fair program aired on public television and radio stations to provide further awareness on preventing and managing chronic diseases.
Expected Outcomes
It is expected that the activities conducted during the MUTA Health Fair in Benue State of Nigeria will:
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